Riccardo Zandonai's Francesca da Rimini is a four-act opera set during the Renaissance period. The plot concerns an arranged marriage between Francesca and Giovanni, also known as Gianciotto, who is...
Mercadante / Luisi / Bonilla / Di Matteo Saverio Mercadante: Francesca Da Rimini CD1. Lo Squillar Delle Trombe Guerriere 2. Tempo Di Marcia - Al Prode Innalzino 3. Dolce Al Guerrier Magnanimo 4. Ah...
Riccardo Zandonai's Francesca da Rimini is a four-act opera set during the Renaissance period. The plot concerns an arranged marriage between Francesca and Giovanni, also known as Gianciotto, who is...
Past-his-prime pop singer Richie Bravo (Michael Thomas) was winding down his existence as a low-end lounge act in an Italian resort city. Between a sojourn to his Austrian hometown for his mother's...