When charismatic terrorist Adam Qasim escapes from MI5 custody during a routine handover, the legendary Harry Pearce, Head of Counter-terrorism, is blamed. Disgraced and forced to resign, no-one is...
Echo Park, L.A. is the setting for a gang movie that beats the competition every way it knows how. Sad Girl and Mousie have fallen out over a guy. But when he's murdered by a rival gang-leader, it's...
A young couple from Mexico decide to come to the U.S. in search of the American Dream. Illegals in a foreign country, no family, no friends. They are forced to confront the choices they have made.
After ten years of marriage, the stunning Zoe realizes that her marriage to Ignacio no longer carries the passion it once had. Emotionally adrift, she soon finds herself seduced into the arms of...