The MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE series is based on the Disney channels television show and features the popular characters Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, and Pluto. In this Halloween adventure, Mickey and his friends travel through the foggy woods and the candy corn patch to the trick-or-treat tower for big Pete's Halloween party. The six friends need to reach the tower in time for the bash, or else the gates will close. MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE: MICKEYS TREAT also includes the episodes "Goofy the Great" and "Doctor Daisy, MD." Special Features: Full Frame - 1.33 Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround - English, French, Spanish DVD-ROM: Halloween Party Planning Activities - "Spooky Clubhouse Cookbook" and "Creepy Clubhouse Character Stencils" Runtime: 66 minutes.
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