An unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Nosferatu is the quintessential silent vampire film, crafted by legendary German director F. W. Murnau (Sunrise, Faust, the Last Laugh). Rather...
Known by various names and helmed by multiple directors, this pseudo-sequel to Werner Herzog's "Nosferatu" remake finds the reborn, now-shaggy-haired vampire (Klaus Kinski) eager to return to the...
In Nosferatu (1922), Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter's wife. In Haxan (1922), a fictionalized documentary shows the evolution of witchcraft,...
The first on screen depiction of Dracula occurs in F. W. Murnau's horror classic Nosferatu! Real estate agent Jonathan Harker (Wangenheim), travels to Transylvania to visit a new client, Count...