This new action vehicle for Sylvester Stallone was directed by Rob Cohen (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, Dragonheart) and co-stars Claire Bloom (Crimes And Misdemeanors) and Sage Stallone (Rocky V)...
Digitally remastered and expanded edition of the 1977 album Daylight by Hudson-Ford. Richard Hudson and John Ford first worked together in the band Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera in the late 1960s. In...
2019 release. Over the course of her acclaimed career, Grace Potter has carved out a flourishing yet unconventional place among the best songwriters and singers in rock and roll. The Waitsfield,...
2012 EP from the Australian Alt-Country/Folk singer/songwriter. For the EP, she co-wrote with Adrian Deutsch from the Red Riders, as well as Andy Bull, Tim Derricourt from Dappled Cities, Lisa Miller...