Double vinyl LP pressing. The original soundtrack to Minions: The Rise of Gru promises another exciting installment in the Minions franchise. Produced by Jack Antonoff and filled to the brim with a...
The original soundtrack to Minions: The Rise of Gru promises another exciting installment in the Minions franchise. Produced by Jack Antonoff and filled to the brim with a star-studded list of...
It was the early '70s, and the Minions (voiced by Pierre Coffin) were in the market for a new master-so they glommed on to Gru (Steve Carell), then just a 12-year-old fanboy of the criminal crew...
It was the early '70s, and the Minions (voiced by Pierre Coffin) were in the market for a new master-so they glommed on to Gru (Steve Carell), then just a 12-year-old fanboy of the criminal crew...
It was the early '70s, and the Minions (voiced by Pierre Coffin) were in the market for a new master-so they glommed on to Gru (Steve Carell), then just a 12-year-old fanboy of the criminal crew...