Perennial holiday film classic relates the tale of "Kris Kringle," a Macy's department store Santa Claus (Edmund Gwenn, in an Academy Award-winning performance)claiming to be the genuine article-much...
Casablanca: easy to enter, but much harder to leave, especially if you're wanted by the Nazis. Such a man is Resistance leader Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), whose only hope is Rick Blaine (Humphrey...
1947: The holiday season is in full swing when a cultured gentlemen with twinkling eyes, and ample belly, and a snowy beard is hired as Macy's department store Santa. He claims his name is Kris...
Ingrid Bergman, in a memorable performance, plays the 15th-century French peasant girl who, after receiving what she believes is inspiration from God, takes up arms and leads her people to victory in...