A band of modern-day Robin Hoods known as The Misfits, recruit renowned thief Richard Pace (Pierce Brosnan) to help them pull off the heist of the century. The prize: millions in gold bars stashed...
Expertly directed by John Huston (The Maltese Falcon) from a screenplay by Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Miller, THE MISFITS is a probing, exciting drama of honesty, intensity and sheer poetic...
Set sail for a fun-filled voyage and hilarious pirate antics with the biggest Band of Misfits on the seven seas! When the infamous Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) is shunned once again by his rivals...
Back on duty at London's Serious and Serial Crime Unit after a punishing internal investigation, slick, maverick cop John Luther (Idris Elba) puts his considerable skills of intuition to use solving...