An electro-surrealist musical journey from the mind of Bruce Haack "The Captain" - capturing his inventive genius musically in tandem with tapping into the voice of his inner child, innovative story...
American trumpeter Chet Baker was a major innovator in cool jazz, leading him to be nicknamed 'the prince of cool'. He earned much attention and praise through the Fifties, particularly for albums...
Vinyl LP pressing. 2016 release from the country icon. Willie Nelson's album of pop standards, penned by America's legendary songwriting duo George and Ira Gershwin, follows the selection of Willie...
Vinyl LP pressing. Two months after his high school graduation, John Mark Nelson jumped to the top of Minneapolis' Folk-Pop scene with 2012's WAITING AND WAITING, a home-made album that split the...
Double vinyl LP pressing including digital download. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Monty Python, Monty Python Sings (again) is reissued with the addition of the Stephen Hawking version of...