Academy Award winner Tommy Lee Jones leads an all-star cast in this psychological thriller based on the bestselling novel by James Lee Burke. While on an investigation into a series of grisly...
Nominated for five Academy Awards, GORILLAS IN THE MIST is the inspiring true story of young anthropologist Dian Fossey (Sigourney Weaver) who travels to Africa to study rare mountain gorillas. As...
SHRINE OF THE MORNING MIST: COMPLETE COLLECTION (ASAGIRI NO MIKO)- returns to DVD and debuts in HD on Blu-ray! Ever since childhood, Tadahiro had two different-colored eyes- one brown and one hazel...
Nominated for five Academy Awards, Gorillas in the Mist is the inspiring true story of young anthropologist Dian Fossey (Sigourney Weaver) who travels to Africa to study rare mountain gorillas. As...