A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, set in the aftermath of the Gryps Conflict. It is the year 0088 of the Universal Century. The badly damaged assault cruiser Argama docks at the run-down...
Through destruction, Celestial Being will bring rebirth to the world: Eradicating war by means of armed interventions. The year is 2307 AD. As three superpowers, the Union, the Human Reform League,...
Contains episodes 27 - 51 on five DVDs. Bonus features: Clean Opening 2, Clean Closing 2, End of Episode Promos, TV Spots. Video: 4:3 SD; Audio: Japanese 2.0 Dolby Digital Stereo, English Subtitles.
A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam set in the aftermath of the Gryps Conflict. Haman Karn, leader of Neo Zeon, invades Earth to strike at the corrupt Federation government. In order to foil...
After causing terrible pollution on Earth, humanity began to colonize space. In the current era, mankind has become fully adapted to life beyond it's home planet. But just as on the surface of the...