In Zeta Gundam, we see the future world of the Universal Century through a dark mirror. Having defeated the Zeon menace, the Earth Federation has itself become cruel and oppressive. A new generation...
Triple Blu-Ray set. The Universal Century world is locked into an escalating conflict. While the AEUG resistance group strives to convince the world of the justice of it's cause, the brutal Titans...
U.C. 0097, one year has passed since the contents of Laplace's Box were revealed to the world at the end of the conflict called the Laplace Incident. Despite the revelation of the Universal Century...
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and it's space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has...
One man against the Earth... Universal Century 0093. Thirteen years have passed since the events of the original Mobile Suit Gundam series. But the foundations of peace are once again threatened by a...