Autistic since birth, 28-year-old Molly (Shue) is a carefree young woman with an incredible zest for life. Her brother Buck (Aaron Eckhart), a 32-year-old with a full social calendar and a booming...
LOVELY MOLLY is a gripping horror thriller that begins as newlywed Molly Reynolds moves back into her long-abandoned childhood home. Soon, she experiences unnerving and impossible things. What starts...
Molly's Game is based on the true story of Molly Bloom, an Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being arrested in the middle of the night...
A secret society of militant coal miners battled their exploitation by the mine owners with violence and intimidation. This gripping, true story follows a detective on undercover assignment for the...
When 10-year old Alaska Native Molly Mabray learns about Grandpa Nat's dream to reach the top of Denali, North America's highest mountain, she helps him and her father prepare for the expedition...