After a recent breakup, young gay Brazilian bachelor Rafael finds his romantic life spinning out of control. He sets out on an adventure that will take him to England, Portugal, and Argentina. Along...
MOM + MOM is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by...
After an avowed racist murders nine black churchgoers in South Carolina, battle lines are drawn in Mississippi to determine the fate of the state flag with the most powerful and divisive symbol of...
Following a meltdown that leads to a suspension, professional golfer Zoe Papadopoulos travels to her grandparents village in Greece to escape the harsh spotlight of the international sports world...
Director Ron Howard's epic romantic drama-adventure stars Tom Cruise as an impoverished 19-century Irish tenant farmer and Nicole Kidman stars as the well-to-do daughter of the landlords that...