In August 1966, the world met the Monkees (and vice versa) as their debut single, "Last Train to Clarksville," was released and bought them a ticket to ride straight to the top of the charts! With...
Featuring the unissued tunes Alvin and I'm Gonna Try, plus an unheard alternate mix of P.O. Box 9647 !1. Dream World 2. Auntie's Municipal Court 3. We Were Made for Each Other 4. Tapioca Tundra 5...
Includes an unissued alternate version of the Girl I Knew Somewhere and an unissued alternate mix of All of Your Toys.1. You Told Me 2. I'll Spend My Life with You 3. Forget That Girl 4. Band 6 5...
1. Lost My Faith 2. Anywhere with You 3. I Couldn't Smile 4. Trade 5. Today Is Summer 6. Round and Round 7. Medicine 8. So American 9. Time Ain't on My Side 10. I Want More