Fifth western in a row for Sergio Leone after the Dollar Trilogy and "Once Upon a Time in The West", "Gi? la testa" (Duck, you sucker, 1971) is also the fifth collaboration between the director and...
Morricone,Ennio La Provinciale CD1. La Spiaggia 2. La Provicniale 3. Risacca 4. Mare 5. Ombre 6. Delitto E Rimorsi 7. Sereno E Il Cielo 8. La Provinciale 9. Succede a Orvieto 10. Tornare E Ricordare...
Morricone,Ennio Genius Of Ennio Morricone CD1. Giu la Testa 2. Luccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo 3. Metti Una Sera a Cena 4. Il Prefetto Di Ferro 5. Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni...
Ennio Morricone is undoubtedly one of the most important composers of the twentieth century. That is all the more remarkable, since very few composers have yet to achieve this status composing music...