It's a funny family feud from Desi Arnaz and the writers of I Love Lucy. Set in the swinging late 1960s, the Mothers-In-Law centers on the laugh-filled misadventures of longtime neighbors in suburban...
Writer/director Darren Aronofsky's unusual psychological horror tale is set at a secluded house where a writer (Javier Bardem)-referred to only as "Him"-and his wife (Jennifer Lawrence)-called only...
Peter Falk (A Woman Under the Influence) and Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine) make for a hilarious dream team in this beloved American sidesplitter. Directed by Arthur Hiller (Love Story) from an...
An ancient urn is found in a cemetery outside Rome. Once opened, it triggers a series of violent incidents: robberies, rapes and murders increase dramatically, while several mysterious, evil-looking...
Regina Reynolds is a strong black woman in the truest sense! But her taste for the good life didn't necessarily include her husband Marcus or her daughter Monica. It truly takes "A Mother's Love"...