Matthew Perry (TV's Friends) returns to sitcoms with this droll workplace comedy, which he co-created and co-produced. He plays Ben Donovan, the manager of a San Diego basketball arena that also hosts a variety of other events, each weirder than the next. He does his job well, but his interaction with his co-workers - the arena's prickly owner (four-time Emmy½ Award-winner Allison Janney, TV's the West Wing) and her bumbling son, Ben's soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend (Andrea Anders, TV's Better Off Ted) and good pal (James Lesure, TV's Las Vegas), and an unstable secretary - is less rosy. Also includes guest stars such as Lizzy Caplan, Jimmy Connors, Nick Jonas and James Taylor. Contains all 13 episodes - including four unaired! Created by Matthew Perry & Alex Barnow & Marc Firek. Executive Produced by Matthew Perry, Matthew Carlson, Alex Barnow & Marc Firek, Jamie Tarses, Thomas Schlamme.
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