This '60s-set spin-off of the popular Australian Jazz Age-era detective show stars Geraldine Hakewell as mod Melbourne adventuress Peregrine Fisher, who inherited the estate of her estimable Aunt...
In 1920s Melbourne, the Honorable Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis, Girl with a Pearl Earring) is a thoroughly modern woman operating in a mostly male world. The glamorous "lady detective" goes about her...
Essie Davis, Nathan Page, Hugo Johnstone-Burt. A high-society "lady detective" swings through the hip '20s in Melbourne, Australia, solving crimes and catching criminals. Assisted by her maid and a...
Essie Davis (The Babadook, The Slap) returns as Miss Phryne Fisher, a lady detective from Melbourne with a fabulous sense of fun and a flair for solving crimes. In a country reemerging from the...