Winning 1984-1996 CBS series starred Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher, a former substitute teacher-turned-mystery novelist. While writing bestselling whodunits, Fletcher puts her sleuthing skills...
In SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST, a chance meeting on a train embroils Jessica with foreign spies and stolen government secrets. Then, a getaway to Los Angeles becomes deadly when she tries to solve the murder...
Who's that in the frilly cap and apron, toting the tea tray? Not a pert French maid, but spinster sleuth Miss Marple in disguise. And it's not Darjeeling that's caught her interest - it's murder!...
Everyone's favorite sleuth is back and better than ever in MURDER, SHE WROTE: SEASON NINE! This 5-disc set includes all 22 episodes starring Angela Lansbury in the role that won her the Golden Globe...