Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson, Sue Thomas: F. B. Eye) returns to solve Edwardian Toronto's most intriguing crimes in this award-winning Canadian series. In Season 12, Murdoch and his...
Based on the novels by Maureen Jennings, this Canadian police procedural drama is set in Victorian Toronto, where the forward-thinking Inspector William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) takes a scientific...
Murdoch Mysteries: A Very Murdoch Christmas (Blu-ray) Murdoch and the team investigate when the host of a Christmas charity gala for sick children is killed, and all the presents he was going to give...
Murdoch Mysteries: Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas Days before Christmas in Edwardian-era Toronto, Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is called to investigate a daring train robbery. When...
In Season 8 of this delightful detective show, joy and heartbreak await Det. William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye) and his friends in turn-of-the-century Toronto. After his brutal...