In Iesha, My Secretary, a psychotic woman tries to destroy a blossoming relationship between a hard-working number man and his employee, a mysterious living doll. In Cannibals Vs. Virgins, a group of...
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's dynamic duo," if you will, presents a perfect role for the unassuming partner of Britain's most famous detective! It's positively elementary that the neglected Dr. Watson was...
The masochist says to the sadist, "Hurt me." The sadist replies, "No." Everybody's happy. This strange balance plays heavily into the Steven Shainberg directed SECRETARY, based on a short story by...
Best friends Max (Isabelle Fuhrman) and Ellie (Liana Liberato) decide to leave their rural hometown on an adventurous, cross-country road trip to meet former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Sneaking...