In a cruel future, teenagers live brief, loveless lives in an oppressive system. But a chance kiss between a girl with klaxosaur blood and a fallen prodigy named Hiro ignites a spark one that'll...
Being seen as a full-fledged business woman isn't easy for Igarashi Futaba when her loudmouthed senpai, Takeda Harumi, always treats her like a kid. Maybe she feels more than she let's on, but one...
John Ford (STAGECOACH) takes on the legend of the O.K. Corral shoot-out in this multilayered, exceptionally well-constructed western, one of the director's very best films. Henry Fonda (YOUNG MR...
In 16th-century Florence, a woman's role in society isn't one of an artist-but this is Arte's goal. When she finally meets a master willing to take her in as an apprentice, her dream of living the...