Having packed off for summer camp, two rivalrous Atlanta 15-year-olds-strait-laced Ferris Whitney (Tatum O'Neal) and street-smart Angel Bright (Kristy McNichol)-lay a bet as to who'll lose their...
Experience the romantic, wrenching, and dizzying journey of Vivian Liberto, Johnny Cash's first wife and the mother of his four daughters. With all-new interviews and exclusive, unprecedented access...
John Ford's masterful western stars Henry Fonda as Wyatt Earp, who arrives in the lawless Arizona town of Tombstone on a cattle drive with his brothers. A deadly encounter with the ruthless Clanton...
Directed by Silvio Narizzano (Georgy Girl, Loot) and produced by Hammer Films, the infamous British studio known for gothic horror classics, DIE! DIE! MY DARLING! Stars the legendary Tallulah...