Forever-bubbling Gale Storm, with her cute eye-crinkling demeanor, was paired with distinguished looking Charles Farrell in the TV sitcom My Little Margie, which had a four year run beginning in 1952...
This hit series ran from 1952 to 1955 and featured Gale Storm as Margie Albright, the 21-year-old daughter of widowed investment banker Vern (Charles Farrell). How the two of them tried to get each...
Mae West portrays voluptuous Flowerbelle Lee, whose reputation is tarnished when she is seen embracing a masked bandit in her bedroom. Forced to leave town until she can prove she is respectable -...
Lisa, once a brilliant playwright, no longer writes. She lives with her family in Switzerland, but her heart remains in Berlin, beating in time with that of her twin brother Sven, the famous theatre...
Based on the TV series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic," this fun-filled animated adventure finds the land of Equestria invaded by evil storm creatures led by Tempest Shadow (voiced by Emily...