Mixing high-octane actions with moving romance, One Night Only starring Hong Kong's legendary Aaron Kwok (Cold War, The Monkey King) follows a gambler and a hooker's suspenseful night together as...
Melanie played a storied set at Woodstock, was the first solo pop/rock artist to play Carnegie Hall-and was much loved in England, too, but hadn't played there in many years when Jarvis Cocker sent...
Feature-length documentary examining activist, pop-culture icon and thought leader Dick Gregory, whose work as a self-described 'agitator' shaped a generation demanding justice. As a renowned Black...
Over 15 years as a three piece collective, Muse remain amongst very few UK bands who have emerged since the global success of U2, Radiohead and Coldplay excepted to achieve international respect,...
Martial Solal has, in abundance, those indispensables of the musicians' craft: sensitivity, creativity, and a prodigious technique. Most of all, he sparkles with refreshment. These words of praise...