Cashing in on the success of both Charlie Chan and Mr. Moto, Monogram Pictures ushered in their own Oriental detective series in 1938 with Boris Karloff as Mr. Wong, Detective. With horror films...
The legendary Diana Rigg stars in this classic whodunnit set in the 1920s about the infamous, intuitive crime-solver Mrs Adela Bradley and her resourceful chauffeur, George. The irrepressible Adela...
William Holden and Nancy Kwan star in this soul-searching look at an East-meets-West romance. He's a struggling American artist who's down on his luck. She's a beautiful Chinese prostitute who...
THE BELA LUGOSI DOUBLE FEATURE THE MYSTERIOUS MR WONG starring Bela Lugosi, Wallace Ford and Arline Judge. Lugosi is Fu Wong, your typical evil Chinese mastermind with a Hungarian accent. He and his...