Agatha Christie. This double feature explores the life of one of the most successful crime writers ever, using the people she met and places she experienced as guiding points. Includes Inside the...
In this major two-part BBC documentary series, beloved actor David Suchet, best known for his role as Detective Hercule Poirot on PBS Masterpiece Mystery, goes on a compelling journey in search of...
Robert Hossein, Antoine Dul?ry, Marius Colucci, Bruno Todeschini. Adapted from the Grand Dame of Mystery's Hercule Poirot's Christmas, this 4-part French miniseries finds two tenacious investigators...
This fourth volume of specially selected Agatha Christie gems employ the services of her famous sleuths Tommy and Tuppence Beresford, Miss Marple and the cunning Hercule Poirot, respectively...