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Nada Escrito is Dorotheo's third full-length album and a reflection of the band's evolution through the years. The project's progressive nature and their psychedelic rock foundation has blossomed to a different sonic direction, reminiscent of hauntology music, echoing the experimental spirit of bands like Broadcast, Stereo Lab or Silver Apples, yet landing ideas from latin-American and middle-eastern music among many other influences with their signature song-writing, channeled by the production hand of Hugo Quezada (Progreso Nacional, Exploded View) and the musical possibilities enabled by the new line-up. This album is the follow-up to their celebrated Como Es (2021), which was conceived as a duo integrated by front-man, singer and guitarist Benjam?n Z?rate and Otto Malgesto on drums and vocals. However, the album release tour was performed as a quintet, introducing new songs with the return of co-founder bassist-singer Anton Cerda, the inclusion of Efra?n Valadez on synthesizers and the extraordinary Cynthia Est?vez adding a second lead vocal persona, spacey keyboards, hypnotic wind instruments and new lyrics. Together, they created Nada Escrito, expanding their music to a completely new form. "A band with the hauntological cool of Broadcast and Stereolab.' - NPR 'Dorotheo es integrado por elementos de antiguas agrupaciones que han decidido abrir un nuevo camino. Bases krautrock se pueden percibir de primera mano, planos llenos de psicodelia y tendencias al shoegaze terminan de forjar su arte, que sin duda corre haciendo transgresiones al tiempo, que nos invita a imaginar escenarios ret?ricos y ambiguos.' - Rolling Stone
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