Directed by Kirk Jones (WAKING NED DEVINE) with a screenplay by star Emma Thompson, this film is based on the Nurse Matilda series by Christianne Grant. Widower Cedric Brown (Colin Firth) is at his...
The irrepressible Fran Drescher returns for the hilarious fourth season of The Nanny, a sitcom classic that dresses to impress. Nanny Fran Fine (Drescher) and the Sheffields are up to all-new...
The fashionably faultless Fran Drescher is back to bring the whole schmear to a close in the final season of The Nanny. Finally married to the dashing Broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield (Charles...
When Nanny McPhee (Emma Thompson) appears at the farmhouse door of busy young mother Isabel Green (Maggie Gyllenhaal), she discovers that Mrs. Green's children are in an all-out household war with...