A boy who came from the heavens encounters a city of ships, Gargantia. In the distant future a young boy, Ledo, is raised in space knowing nothing but war, until he comes to Earth, a planet whose...
A group of mysterious flying ninja have arrived from overseas to launch a sudden attack against the Hidden Leaf Village, leaving behind a wake of destruction. The group is revealed to be the Sky...
Four ninjas with kekkei genkai who have been guarding the Hidden Villages of Cloud, Stone, Mist and Sand disappear from their respective villages. The Land of Fire comes under suspicion as it is the...
A boy who came from the heavens encounters a city of ships, Gargantia. In the distant future a young boy, Ledo, is raised in space knowing nothing but war, until he comes to Earth, a planet whose...
Naruto is convicted of a serious crime he didn't commit and is sent to the inescapable prison, Hozuki Castle. The warden, Mui, quickly seals away Narutos chakra to prevent him from rebelling...