Japanese LP pressing. Winner of the Best Screenplay Award at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. Drive My Car is a film based on Haruki Murakami's short story of the same name, directed by the Silver Bear...
The Cars was released on June 6, 1978 on Elektra Records. The album, which featured the three charting singles "Just What I Needed, " "My Best Friend's Girl, " and "Good Times Roll, " as well as an...
2 leaders of underground industrial - Tim Skold (ex-Marilyn Manson, Shotgun Messiah) and Nero Bellum (Psyclon 9) - combine forces on this debut album for their brand new project, Not My God! ...
Double vinyl LP pressing. 2016 release, the fourth studio album from the popsters led by Ryan Tedder. Oh My My is the follow-up to the band's 2013 album Native. Talking about the album to Wonderland...