In the quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military hardware and malevolent technology in history. Nazi Mega Weapons follows a group of experts on...
Nazi Mega Weapons follows a team of experts on a dark journey through Europe's mountains, forests, and fjords, to uncover engineering secrets that have lain hidden for decades. Using stunning drama...
Thirteen part documentary currently that aired on the Military Channel focuses on the surprising collaborations that went on between Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime and those that shockingly helped their...
It's one of the greatest, true detective stories ever. Featuring eight spellbinding missions, Nazi Hunters tells how a select band of secret agents and avengers hunted down some of the most evil men...
Ralph is a journalist who's been having recurring nightmares. To help him understand his troubling dreams, his friend Claudia, a 22 year-old hippie, uses her undeveloped psychic powers to give him a...