The great Taiwanese filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang has been directing exquisite examinations of alienation, isolation, and the fleeting beauty of human connection featuring his muse Lee Kang-sheng for...
Dallas (Jeremy Edwards) returns home after years away to try to reconnect with his ex Denise (Eli DeGeer, CHINA WHITE SERPENTINE). Cat (Millie Milan HOUSE OF FORBIDDEN SECRETS) steals her boss Ray...
A family during the quarantine. The wife desperately and helplessly wants to be a mother. Her brother, a mentally ill man, lives in a never ending football dream. Franco, the husband, seems to be the...
Forced to repeat her senior year of high school, Claire's (Maslany) reputation is sliding from bad-ass to bad joke. Armed with an acid tongue and shielded by ever-present headphones, Claire locks...