Hong Kong Blu-ray pressing, remastered in 4K. Region A pressing. The first installment in the hit action series stars Jackie Chan (who also directed) as Ka Kui Chan, a Hong Kong cop trying to...
The set pieces fly fast and furious in these inventive action comedies, two smash hits that made Jackie Chan a worldwide icon of daredevil spectacle and established the director/star/one-man stunt...
The newest chapter in the Police Story crime franchise stars Jackie Chan as Wen, a cop with a history of violence. A reunion with his daughter (Tian Jing) exposes a high-stakes hostage plot, forcing...
O infiltrate a drug cartel, police Inspector Chan Ka Kui (Jackie Chan, Rush Hour, Rumble in the Bronx) goes undercover in a Chinese prison. There, he earns the trust of Panther (Yuen Wah, Kung Fu...