In the late '80s, troubled American Dani Clayton (Victoria Pedretti) accepted the offer of Britisher Henry Wingrave (Henry Thomas) to become an au pair for his orphaned-and odd-nephew and niece...
In the late '80s, troubled American Dani Clayton (Victoria Pedretti) accepted the offer of Britisher Henry Wingrave (Henry Thomas) to become an au pair for his orphaned-and odd-nephew and niece...
The Newton Brothers score a new horror classic and achieve spooky results. Experience this evocation of the Overlook Hotel and don't avoid the "Redrum"; it's one of the score's best tracks.
Certified Platinum by the RIAA (2/98).1. She Caught the Katy - Jake 2. Peter Gunn Theme - Jake 3. Gimme Some Lovin' - Jake 4. Shake a Tail Feather - Ray Charles/Jake ; Elwood 5. Everybody Needs...