The eponymous debut from Portland, Oregon's Black Elk is a raging, frothing at the mouth eruption of damaged yet majestic destructo rock, seriously heavy and seriously catchy. A ten-song blend of...
Everybody's Insecure is Elk City's first new album since 2010 and it's most personalßto date.ßThe New York Times says, "Elk City's cool and elegant sound draws on 1980s 'dream pop' and bits of 1960s...
Hayden is a Toronto musician who's been releasing records for ten years. His international debut 'Everything I Long For' (Geffen) was released in 1996 after initial attention in Canada following two...
Elk City, the 2016 album by All The Real Girls, features members of Built To Spill, Death Cab For Cutie, The Long Winters, The Lashes and Pell Mell, all in service to singer/songwriter Peter...