Following a bizarre meteor shower in an Australian fishing village, the residents of the small community are infected with a virus that transforms them into flesh-eating zombies. Taking shelter in an...
When a pair of divers go missing near The Catfish, the notorious site of a mysterious 1920s shipwreck, a tenacious news reporter Megan Flowers (Pamela Sutch) becomes determined to unravel the...
As his frontier village was plagued by gory slayings, Preacher Dan Young (Eric Fleming) wasn't happy when the frightened locals turned to mysterious mercenary Drake Robey (Michael Pate) for a...
The Night Of (TV Mini-Series 2016) - Blu-ray - In this mini-series, a young man fights in court and in prison after he is accused of committing a horrible murder. Nasir "Naz" Khan, a...