Through DAG NASTY, SWIZ and JESUS EATER, SHAWN BROWN's unique voice has gained admiration from many followers of D.C. hardcore. And in voicing that selfish thought, his ex-bandmate, JASON FARRELL, triggered the inception of RED HARE-a new band that furthers the music Farrell, Brown, and bassist DAVE EIGHT began making more than twenty years ago in Swiz. With Red Hare, Shawn Brown, Jason Farrell and Dave Eight have reconvened to further explore the trajectory set by these previous bands. Rather than trying to replicate sonic bits of their lost youth, Red Hare remains open to change; the most prominent of which was the addition of JOE GORELICK. His post-hardcore-channeling-Keith-Moon approach to drums adds a lean and propulsive dynamic to the familiar voice and crunch. But Swiz: Mach III, it's not. The 23 years since that band split had not been spent in mothballs-BLUETIP, GARDEN VARIETY, Jesus Eater, and RETISONIC all thrived in the interim, each forging their own legacies. Though their sonic influence can be heard in Red Hare, the main unifying thread through all these bands is a shared expression of immediacy: A band voicing their concerns and reflecting their environment now. Not 23 years ago. Not 10 years ago. Now. The new album Nites of Midnite, mixed by J. ROBBINS (Jawbox, Burning Airlines), has found a fitting home in a split effort with Dischord Records and the band's own recently resurrected imprint, Hellfire Records.
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