2014 collection, the third in a series of compilations devoted to Jack Nietzsche's production work. This third volume more than upholds the standards set by the first two. All students of American...
A long overdue, all encompassing career overview of probably the most revered all round arranger/songwriter/producer in the history of popular music. The sub-title is 'Hearing Is Believing'. Ace...
Ace's second salute to the genius of Jack Nietzsche is no less compelling than our first. Once again the tracks have been carefully selected to give the full breadth of Nietzsche's abilities during...
A first ever UK CD release for the material on which this critically admired '60s singer/songwriter's reputation was founded - including the original versions of such classics as 'Mr Zero' (Keith...
The great Hawaiian vocal group, the Surfers, was formed by brothers Clayton and Al Naluai in 1957. Clayton served as lead vocalist and bass player, Al played guitar and sang tenor - the group was...