NOAH AND THE GREAT ARK on History explores one of the most well-known stories of the Bible. NOAH & THE ARK: VOYAGE TO a NEW BEGINNING looks at the legend of Noah the man. Sailor, vintner, farmer, healer, and prophet, Noah is said to have lived for 950 years. Watch as experts evaluate period accounts, rare paintings, and artifacts in order to explore his role as the central figure in the epic tale of destruction and rebirth. MEGA DISASTERS: NOAH'S GREAT FLOOD uses technology to re-create a devastating tsunami that spread across the Mediterranean Sea 8,000 years ago, slamming into the shores of three continents in only a few hours. Could this storm have been the basis for Noah's story? Lastly, MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE: NOAH AND THE FLOOD compares the Old Testament account to flood myths from other cultures, including the Assyrians, American Indians, and Mayans.
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