As the daughter of a middle-class parson, Margaret Hale has enjoyed a privileged upbringing in rural southern England. When her father uproots the family to take work in the northern mill town of...
REPACKAGED. This Emmy Award winning powerful adaptation of John Jakes' best-seller tells the story of the turbulent events and emotions that ignited the Civil War. In the tradition of GONE WITH THE...
Filmed in North and South Korea, "Inbetween", a film by Maria Stodtmeier, explores whether music can overcome the boundaries of a divided country. There is one figure representing the two Koreas, a...
Montgomery, Alabama, 1961: In the middle of the Civil Rights Movement, Bob Zellner (Lucas Till)-a student at an all-white college and the grandson of a Klansman-forever alters the trajectory of his...
Having done a 12-year stretch for armed robbery, small-timer Jimmy (Jason Sudeikis) won early parole-and he was determined to ensure that he'd help cancer-stricken first love Annie (Evangeline Lilly)...