During World War II, a hand-picked group of American GI's undertook a bizarre mission: create a traveling road show of deception on the battlefields of Europe, with the Nazi German Army as their...
Forty years ago, hundreds of skeletons were unearthed in a mass grave in an English village. Bioarchaeologist Cat Jarman believes these bones are the last remains of the "Great Heathen Army," a...
Yi-Hwan is a former professional baseball player. He was involved in fixing games and lost everything. Gang boss Sang-Ha runs a money lending business and a gambling location. He makes Yi-Hwan work...
Emperor is inspired by the legend of Shields "Emperor" Green (Dayo Okeniyi), a descendant of African kings turned outlaw slave in the pre-Civil War South. Seeking freedom for his family, Emperor...
A monumental story about one man's journey through history - Pi Yu, who, at the age of three toddled to the imperial throne to become 'Lord of 10,000 Years', China's last Emperor. Filmed entirely on...