1. Elastic Rock 2. 1916 3. Orpheus 4. Persephone's Jive 5. Twisted Track 6. Cosa Nostra 7. Elastic Rock 8. Stonescape 9. Single Line 10. Twisted Track 11. 1916 12. Persephone's Jive 13. Never Carry Any More Than You Can Eat 14. Ballad of Joe Pimp 15. 1916 16. Introduction: Brian Priestley 17. Freudian Saturday 18. Introduction: Brian Priestley 19. Oasis 20. Introduction: Brian Priestley 21. Jam 22. Song for the Bearded Lady 23. We'll Talk About It Later 24. Snakehips Dream 25. Song for the Bearded Lady 26. Elastic Rock 27. Snakehips Dream 28. Snakehips Dream 29. Song for the Bearded Lady 30. Morning Call 31. Song for the Bearded Lady 32. Snakehips Dream 33. Crude Blues 34. Dreams 35. Mayday 36. Belladonna 37. Suspension 38. Introduction: Humphrey Lyttelton 39. Mayday 40. Suspension 41. New Life 42. Sarsaparilla 43. Pastoral Graffiti 44. Theme 3: Rites of Man 45. Snakehips Etcetera 46. Alive and Kicking 47. Rat's Bag 48. Splat 49. Brain Child 50. In Flagrante Delicto 51. Introduction: Charles Fox 52. Sassy (American Girl) 53. Black Ballad (Ecce Domina) 54. Simply This (The Human Condition) 55. Conversation with the Blues, Part 1 56. Conversation with the Blues, Part 2 57. Sidewalk 58. DJ Outro 59. Easy Does It Now 60. The Pretty Redhead 61. For Miles and Miles 62. Something for Mister Jelly Lord 63. She Tells Her Love 64. Bouquets Pour Ma Belle 65. Commentary 66. Chiaroscuro 67. Commentary 68. Midnight Oil 69. Commentary 70. Awakening 71. Commentary 72. Dawn Choruses 73. Commentary 74. For Miles and Miles 75. Commentary 76. Easy Does It Now 77. Commentary 78. Dawn Choruses 79. For Miles and Miles 80. Open Country 81. Introduction 82. Trio for Open Trumpet, Ewi ; Drums 83. Duo in B Minor for Harmon-Muted Trumpet ; Bass Guitar 84. Quintet in a 85. Introduction 86. Duo for Trumpet ; Soprano Saxophone 87. Trio in D for Flugelhorn, Guitar ; Bass Guitar 88. Introduction 89. Duo in Fast Tempo for Cup-Muted Trumpet ; Drums 90. Duo for Straight Muted Trumpet ; Guitar 91. Duo for Open Trumpet ; Tenor Saxophone 92. Introduction 93. Old Heartland 94. Outro 95. Commentary 96. Uncertain Seduction 97. Commentary 98. Full Fathom Five 99. Commentary 100. Pandemonium 101. Commentary 102. Dawn Choruses 103. For Miles and Miles 104. You Can't Be Serious You Must Be Joking 105. Easy Does It Now