In 1760s France, Suzanne is a beautiful young girl with a natural talent for music, enjoying a quietly privileged life. Inexplicably sent off to a convent, she resists structure at every turn until...
Master Sergeant Albert Callan (Rod Steiger) is one tough G.I. During World War II, he killed an enemy soldier with his bare hands. Now in postwar France, he wrests control of his army post away from...
In this Italian war action film a German soldier takes on the identity of a dead German soldier, Sergeant Klems, to keep from being shot for desertion. Eight years later, Klems is fighting in the...
Will Stockdale (Andy Griffith) is a garrulous, innocent hillbilly serving in the Air Force. Crotchety Sergeant King (Myron McCormick) takes an instant dislike to Will and determines to make his life...
On a weekend trip, a group of friends are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned prison where a nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned. During her time at the prison, Sister Monday was...