The groundbreaking and award winning cop series returns with more gritty drama and frenzied New York City action at the 15th precinct. Season five finds Sipowitz (Dennis Franz) and Simone (Jimmy Smits) dealing with the aftermath of the Joey Salvo Homicide, setting up a rape sting, on the trail of a stripper killer and investigating a murderous home invasion. Meanwhile Medavoy (Gordon Clapp), Martinez (Nicholas Turturro) and Russell (Kim Delaney) uncover a body snatching ring, investigate the murder of a Rock 'n' Roll manager and look for a man suspected of robbing taxis. Airing on ABC primetime from 1993-2005 and seen by millions, NYPD Blue was created by Emmy award winning show runner Steven Bochco (LA Law, Hill Street Blues) NYPD Blue continues to tackle cases ripped from the headlines capturing the tumultuous and unpredictable nature of New York City crime fighting.
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