Oblivion is a groundbreaking cinematic event starring Tom Cruise as Jack Harper, the lone security repairman stationed on a desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. When he rescues a beautiful stranger from a downed spacecraft, her arrival triggers a nonstop chain of events that forces him to question everything he knows, and leaves humanity's fate in his hands. Academy Award(R)-winner Morgan Freeman joins Cruise in this "visually stunning" (Pete Hammond, Movieline), explosive story from the director of TRON: Legacy and the producer of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. "Promise Of A New World" Featurettes Include: "The Making Of 'Oblivion': Destiny", "The Making Of 'Oblivion': Voyage", "The Making Of 'Oblivion': Combat", "The Making Of 'Oblivion': Illusion", "The Making Of 'Oblivion': Harmony"; "M83" Isolated Score; Feature Commentary With Tom Cruise and Director/Story Writer Joseph Kosinski; Deleted Scenes.
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