Fleeing her troubled recent past, Greta (Lauen Cohan) heads across the Atlantic to take a nanny's position at an isolated British mansion. Upon meeting her middle-aged employers (Jim Norton, Diana...
It's bolder. Riskier. The most dazzling heist yet. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and more reteam with director Steven Soderbergh for a split-second caper that stacks the deck with wit, style...
Planning heists must run in the family as Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock)-estranged sister to professional thief Danny-puts together her own crew of shady ladies, in this fun-filled spin-off. Cate...
As he prepares to return home to Kochi from his freshman year of college, young Taku reflects upon the end of his high school days with best pal Yutaka and the arrival into their lives of Rikako, the...