After 20 years with London's Metropolitan Police, Clare Blake (Amanda Burton, Silent Witness, The Level) has reached the pinnacle of her profession. She is New Scotland Yard's highest-ranking female...
Martin Lawrence (Bad Boys, Big Mommas House) plays Martin Payne, a brash radio personality who always speaks his mind, often to the frustration of Gina (Tisha Campbell), his feisty wife. His buddies...
Just when Nick thought he had lost everything, he found a true calling to help the less fortunate. However, making a difference isn't always easy. Nick is caught between his father Burton, (Dabney...
They may not always get along, but Cat and Dog are stuck with each other... literally! Follow the conjoined critters' comical exploits as they try not to drive each other crazy in this popular...
Based on the wildly popular comic book character from DC Comics, seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan) is armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and a...