This comedic cop series chronicles the personal and professional lives of the detectives in Brooklyn's fictional 99th police precinct. The nine-nine's eclectic roster includes the rule-breaking Det...
From Dan Goor and Mike Schur, producers of THE OFFICE and PARKS AND RECREATION, comes the hilarious Golden Globe Award winning comedy, BROOKLYN NINE-NINE. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg, SATURDAY NIGHT...
Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows the exploits of hilarious Det. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and his diverse, lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 99th precinct. After Captain Raymond Holt's (Andre...
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 3 (2015-2016) A sitcom following the lives of a group of detectives in a New York precinct, including one slacker who is forced to shape up when he gets a new boss. 1 New...
Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) is one of New York City's most promising young lawyers. Not bad for a college dropout. When his photographic memory and passion for the law impresses attorney Harvey...